CoreSmart Premium

This is our dedicated time to work on your whole body health. Each class is bespoke, prepared to work different muscle groups with a focus on strengthening your core. I make sure to adjust the exercises to maximize recovery time and mitigate the risk of injury. From day one we're going to calibrate your goals with your physical reality and, together, make those goals real.

Price: MEssage Matt

Monthly 1 on 1 Coaching

  • 8 Zoom Sessions customized for the equipment you have available

    • 2 or more sessions a week 45 minutes long

    • Exclusive access to workouts while not training with Matty

  • A weekly checklist of what you should accomplish on your own

    • Lifestyle specific daily and weekly goals to reach (upon request)

    • Nutrition Coaching

  • Unlimited contact via email, call, and text to answer your questions

    • Between the hours of 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. EST

    • Responses from Matt will be in a timely manner

    • Check ins from Matt to help motivate and hold you accountable

  • An empowering new level of confidence that will carry over to all aspects of your life

*Matt only accepts a limited amount of 1 on 1 coaching at a time. Free Consultations to see if this is the right fit for you. After purchasing, we will have our initial call to plan the week/s ahead. You must be available during the planned weeks as your input and daily commitment is crucial for our success. Flexible Scheduling is acceptable when notified 12hrs ahead of time.