Fat Stores as Fat Easier than Carbs or Proteins


Excess Fat Stores FAT Easier than Consuming Excess Carbs 

In an article by Craig Freudenrich PH.D. , he points out how extra fat stores as fat much easier than extra carbs or protein being stored as fat.

"The conversion of carbohydrates or protein into fat is 10 times less efficient than simply storing fat in a fat cell, but the body can do it. If you have 100 extra calories in fat (about 11 grams) floating in your bloodstream, fat cells can store it using only 2.5 calories of energy. On the other hand, if you have 100 extra calories in glucose (about 25 grams) floating in your bloodstream, it takes 23 calories of energy to convert the glucose into fat and then store it. Given a choice, a fat cell will grab the fat and store it rather than the carbohydrates because fat is so much easier to store."

In short, it takes less energy for your body to store excess fat than it does to store excess carbs or proteins as fat. For more information on how fat cells work follow this link: 

If you are going to have cheat meal this weekend, go for something carb heavy, not fat heavy. 
Your body will thank you.

Matthew Pattison