Lifting Weights Does Not Mean You Will Get Big and Bulky...


This is something I hear all the time.
"I don't want to lift weights because it will get me big and bulky"
This is far from the truth my friends. Yes, one can get big and bulky by lifting weights BUT these people are lifting HEAVY weights. On top of that, they are consuming caloric surplus which means more calories than their body needs to maintain their current weight. This gives the body excess energy to lift more weights and repair bigger muscles. BUT if your calories are in check and you are lifting weights, you are only going to get toned, drop inches, and a flatter stomach.

Your muscles are very efficient and will fill up with energy to be used for later. If you do not deplete your muscles of energy by lifting weights or other activities that stimulate muscles, the free energy in your body will be stored as fat. See, muscle cells have a limit to the amount of energy they can store, but fat cells do not. If your muscle cells are already filled with energy, the excess energy that does not get used that day will be stored to fat cells. Fat is shapeless and takes up A LOT more space than muscle does. Muscle is dense and forms a shape. If you do not work your muscles, they will not have a reason to stay. Less muscle means less calories burned. Less muscle and muscle that never gets depleted of its energy means more fat storage and less calories burned. 

So if you lift weights and your calories are in check, you will only improve your shape, drop inches, and speed up your metabolismNOT look big and bulky. And for those who want to look big and bulky, I get it, keep doing what you love to do!

Matthew Pattison